Roblox Color Codes – Roblox Colors

Color Name Number RGB Value
White 1 [242, 243, 243]
Grey 2 [161, 165, 162]
Light yellow 3 [249, 233, 153]
Brick yellow 5 [215, 197, 154]
Light green (Mint) 6 [194, 218, 184]
Light reddish violet 9 [232, 186, 200]
Pastel Blue 11 [128, 187, 219]
Light orange brown 12 [203, 132, 66]
Nougat 18 [204, 142, 105]
Bright red 21 [196, 40, 28]
Med. reddish violet 22 [196, 112, 160]
Bright blue 23 [13, 105, 172]
Bright yellow 24 [245, 205, 48]
Earth orange 25 [98, 71, 50]
Black 26 [27, 42, 53]
Dark grey 27 [109, 110, 108]
Dark green 28 [40, 127, 71]
Medium green 29 [161, 196, 140]
Lig. Yellowich orange 36 [243, 207, 155]
Bright green 37 [75, 151, 75]
Dark orange 38 [160, 95, 53]
Light bluish violet 39 [193, 202, 222]
Transparent 40 [236, 236, 236]
Tr. Red 41 [205, 84, 75]
Tr. Lg blue 42 [193, 223, 240]
Tr. Blue 43 [123, 182, 232]
Tr. Yellow 44 [247, 241, 141]
Light blue 45 [180, 210, 228]
Tr. Flu. Reddish orange 47 [217, 133, 108]
Tr. Green 48 [132, 182, 141]
Tr. Flu. Green 49 [248, 241, 132]
Phosph. White 50 [236, 232, 222]
Light red 100 [238, 196, 182]
Medium red 101 [218, 134, 122]
Medium blue 102 [110, 153, 202]
Light grey 103 [199, 193, 183]
Bright violet 104 [107, 50, 124]
Br. yellowish orange 105 [226, 155, 64]
Bright orange 106 [218, 133, 65]
Bright bluish green 107 [0, 143, 156]
Earth yellow 108 [104, 92, 67]
Bright bluish violet 110 [67, 84, 147]
Tr. Brown 111 [191, 183, 177]
Medium bluish violet 112 [104, 116, 172]
Tr. Medi. reddish violet 113 [229, 173, 200]
Med. yellowish green 115 [199, 210, 60]
Med. bluish green 116 [85, 165, 175]
Light bluish green 118 [183, 215, 213]
Br. yellowish green 119 [164, 189, 71]
Lig. yellowish green 120 [217, 228, 167]
Med. yellowish orange 121 [231, 172, 88]
Br. reddish orange 123 [211, 111, 76]
Bright reddish violet 124 [146, 57, 120]
Light orange 125 [234, 184, 146]
Tr. Bright bluish violet 126 [165, 165, 203]
Gold 127 [220, 188, 129]
Dark nougat 128 [174, 122, 89]
Silver 131 [156, 163, 168]
Neon orange 133 [213, 115, 61]
Neon green 134 [216, 221, 86]
Sand blue 135 [116, 134, 157]
Sand violet 136 [135, 124, 144]
Medium orange 137 [224, 152, 100]
Sand yellow 138 [149, 138, 115]
Earth blue 140 [32, 58, 86]
Earth green 141 [39, 70, 45]
Tr. Flu. Blue 143 [207, 226, 247]
Sand blue metallic 145 [121, 136, 161]
Sand violet metallic 146 [149, 142, 163]
Sand yellow metallic 147 [147, 135, 103]
Dark grey metallic 148 [87, 88, 87]
Black metallic 149 [22, 29, 50]
Light grey metallic 150 [171, 173, 172]
Sand green 151 [120, 144, 130]
Sand red 153 [149, 121, 119]
Dark red 154 [123, 46, 47]
Tr. Flu. Yellow 157 [255, 246, 123]
Tr. Flu. Red 158 [225, 164, 194]
Gun metallic 168 [117, 108, 98]
Red flip/flop 176 [151, 105, 91]
Yellow flip/flop 178 [180, 132, 85]
Silver flip/flop 179 [137, 135, 136]
Curry 180 [215, 169, 75]
Fire Yellow 190 [249, 214, 46]
Flame yellowish orange 191 [232, 171, 45]
Reddish brown 192 [105, 64, 40]
Flame reddish orange 193 [207, 96, 36]
Medium stone grey 194 [163, 162, 165]
Royal blue 195 [70, 103, 164]
Dark Royal blue 196 [35, 71, 139]
Bright reddish lilac 198 [142, 66, 133]
Dark stone grey 199 [99, 95, 98]
Lemon metalic 200 [130, 138, 93]
Light stone grey 208 [229, 228, 223]
Dark Curry 209 [176, 142, 68]
Faded green 210 [112, 149, 120]
Turquoise 211 [121, 181, 181]
Light Royal blue 212 [159, 195, 233]
Medium Royal blue 213 [108, 129, 183]
Rust 216 [144, 76, 42]
Brown 217 [124, 92, 70]
Reddish lilac 218 [150, 112, 159]
Lilac 219 [107, 98, 155]
Light lilac 220 [167, 169, 206]
Bright purple 221 [205, 98, 152]
Light purple 222 [228, 173, 200]
Light pink 223 [220, 144, 149]
Light brick yellow 224 [240, 213, 160]
Warm yellowish orange 225 [235, 184, 127]
Cool yellow 226 [253, 234, 141]
Dove blue 232 [125, 187, 221]
Medium lilac 268 [52, 43, 117]
Slime green 301 [80, 109, 84]
Smoky grey 302 [91, 93, 105]
Dark blue 303 [0, 16, 176]
Parsley green 304 [44, 101, 29]
Steel blue 305 [82, 124, 174]
Storm blue 306 [51, 88, 130]
Lapis 307 [16, 42, 220]
Dark indigo 308 [61, 21, 133]
Sea green 309 [52, 142, 64]
Shamrock 310 [91, 154, 76]
Fossil 311 [159, 161, 172]
Mulberry 312 [89, 34, 89]
Forest green 313 [31, 128, 29]
Cadet blue 314 [159, 173, 192]
Electric blue 315 [9, 137, 207]
Eggplant 316 [123, 0, 123]
Moss 317 [124, 156, 107]
Artichoke 318 [138, 171, 133]
Sage green 319 [185, 196, 177]
Ghost grey 320 [202, 203, 209]
Lilac 321 [167, 94, 155]
Plum 322 [123, 47, 123]
Olivine 323 [148, 190, 129]
Laurel green 324 [168, 189, 153]
Quill grey 325 [223, 223, 222]
Crimson 327 [151, 0, 0]
Mint 328 [177, 229, 166]
Baby blue 329 [152, 194, 219]
Carnation pink 330 [255, 152, 220]
Persimmon 331 [255, 89, 89]
Maroon 332 [117, 0, 0]
Gold 333 [239, 184, 56]
Daisy orange 334 [248, 217, 109]
Pearl 335 [231, 231, 236]
Fog 336 [199, 212, 228]
Salmon 337 [255, 148, 148]
Terra Cotta 338 [190, 104, 98]
Cocoa 339 [86, 36, 36]
Wheat 340 [241, 231, 199]
Buttermilk 341 [254, 243, 187]
Mauve 342 [224, 178, 208]
Sunrise 343 [212, 144, 189]
Tawny 344 [150, 85, 85]
Rust 345 [143, 76, 42]
Cashmere 346 [211, 190, 150]
Khaki 347 [226, 220, 188]
Lily white 348 [237, 234, 234]
Seashell 349 [233, 218, 218]
Burgundy 350 [136, 62, 62]
Cork 351 [188, 155, 93]
Burlap 352 [199, 172, 120]
Beige 353 [202, 191, 163]
Oyster 354 [187, 179, 178]
Pine Cone 355 [108, 88, 75]
Fawn brown 356 [160, 132, 79]
Hurricane grey 357 [149, 137, 136]
Cloudy grey 358 [171, 168, 158]
Linen 359 [175, 148, 131]
Copper 360 [150, 103, 102]
Medium brown 361 [86, 66, 54]
Bronze 362 [126, 104, 63]
Flint 363 [105, 102, 92]
Dark taupe 364 [90, 76, 66]
Burnt Sienna 365 [106, 57, 9]
Institutional white 1001 [248, 248, 248]
Mid gray 1002 [205, 205, 205]
Really black 1003 [17, 17, 17]
Really red 1004 [255, 0, 0]
Deep orange 1005 [255, 176, 0]
Alder 1006 [180, 128, 255]
Dusty Rose 1007 [163, 75, 75]
Olive 1008 [193, 190, 66]
New Yeller 1009 [255, 255, 0]
Really blue 1010 [0, 0, 255]
Navy blue 1011 [0, 32, 96]
Deep blue 1012 [33, 84, 185]
Cyan 1013 [4, 175, 236]
CGA brown 1014 [170, 85, 0]
Magenta 1015 [170, 0, 170]
Pink 1016 [255, 102, 204]
Deep orange 1017 [255, 175, 0]
Teal 1018 [18, 238, 212]
Toothpaste 1019 [0, 255, 255]
Lime green 1020 [0, 255, 0]
Camo 1021 [58, 125, 21]
Grime 1022 [127, 142, 100]
Lavender 1023 [140, 91, 159]
Pastel light blue 1024 [175, 221, 255]
Pastel orange 1025 [255, 201, 201]
Pastel violet 1026 [177, 167, 255]
Pastel blue-green 1027 [159, 243, 233]
Pastel green 1028 [204, 255, 204]
Pastel yellow 1029 [255, 255, 204]
Pastel brown 1030 [255, 204, 153]
Royal purple 1031 [98, 37, 209]
Hot pink 1032 [255, 0, 191]

Roblox Color Codes

A Roblox color code or brick code is known as a data type that explains a set of colors having 64 colors in it. It is a limited set of colors that is permitted by Roblox. It contains more than 1000 Roblox brick codes but only 64 default colors are usually used. In this piece of write-up, you will get an exclusive list of Roblox color codes. These codes will assist you in the gaming adventure and make you unique in the gaming world with different colors.

Purpose of Roblox Brick Codes:

if you are an active player of Roblox games then you surely required Roblox brick codes that will boost your gaming experience. You can utilize color codes in the virtual world of Roblox. These codes are committed to allowing you to change the color of your avatar, item. If you want to create your own skin with a specific color, you can do it very easily by using the Roblox code.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the RGB code for the color red?

The hexadecimal RGB code of red color is #FF0000. This code is a mixture of a hexadecimal FF red (255/256), a 00 green (0/256), and a 00 blue component (0/256).